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Minnow Cups and Lids
Minnow Cups and Lids
Minnow Cups and Lids

Minnow Cups and Lids

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Minnow Cup with Lid

We drop tested this live minnow cup from a height of three feet a bunch of times and it never popped open. The clear lid is awesome.  Two small holes in the center provide ventilation without leaking and you don't have to open it to see if your live bait is still fresh. That's all I have to say about that.
250 cups and lids per case. 
Choose from two different sizes /  12-oz and 16-oz   


*Zeolite "Minnow Muscle"  is the greatest thing for minnows since water was invented. It is absolutely necessary to use this stuff when trying to keep minnows alive and healthy.  This product is essential and provides optimal water conditions by removing harmful ammonia.