Live Bait Containers * Refurbished Live Bait Machines * Wholesale Prices * Fast Delivery

  • Live Bait Containers with Lids

  • Products That Keep Live Baits and Insects Alive

Live Bait Containers with Lids

Products That Keep Live Baits and Insects Alive SHOP

Stuff That Keeps Your Live Bait Alive

"If anyone knows how to keep live baits and insects alive and healthy it's the guy who is selling them out of a vending machine". sells live bait containers and insect containers to a wide variety of customers for the purpose of packaging live baits and packaging live insects for sale in live bait vending machines, live bait shops, pet stores etc.
The products we sell are products our customers trust and depend on to keep their live baits and live insects alive and healthier longer. Consider us first when shopping for quality live bait containers, live insect containers or live bait vending machine containers.

Live Bait Containers and Products Used To Safely Store and improve The Quality of Live Bait

Live Bait Cups - Insect Cups

Live Bait Containers with Lids

Choosing the proper live bait cup or insect cup plays an important part in keeping your fishing bait and insects alive and healthy. Using the right live bait cup and insect cup significantly decreases losses and increase profits. We have assembled a  variety of live bait cups - insect cups that have been chosen by our customers for use in retail locations and live bait vending machine applications. 


Minnow Care and Health

Better Bait Products are used for the purpose of maintaining fish health and vitality. Adds electrolites, conditions water, removes chlorine and heavy metals. We carry products for use on a wide variety of bait minnows both soft-scaled baitfish (fatheads) and hard-scaled bait fish (shiners) and Koi.


Zeolite (Minnow Muscle)

Our Zeolite eliminates the deadly effects caused by ammonia build up.
Used extensivley in bait tank filtration systems, and koi ponds to eliminate high ammonia levels.  Zeolite ammonia remover greatly extends the life of any fish. Watch our video demonstration on how to properly package minnows in containers for live bait vending machines.


Live Bait Vending Services

(815) 245-1843


The Art Of Live Bait Vending provides fully serviced live bait and tackle vending machines  to commercial businesses and recreational areas.  Convenience stores,  gas stations,  campgrounds,  boat launches,  marinas and public parks are a small example of locations that use our service to bring in new customers or to satisfy the needs of current customers.

Specifically built to be placed outdoors where they draw attention and allow your customers to purchase what they need anytime 24 hours a day.

Find out how our live bait vending machine service works.  Call Us Today!

(815) 245-1843

Satisfy your customers needs by placing live bait vending machine at your location now. Live Bait and tackle vending service area

Our Service Area

Trading Post Vending Live Bait and Tackle Vending Machines

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